Thursday, April 16, 2015



We had an awesome first book giveaway, thanks to our friend Rebecca for donating the Divergent Trilogy! Our lovely winner is Alyssa, a friend and bookworm with a degree in English and an awesome "Shakespeare hates your emo poems" shirt. She was ecstatic to collect her winnings.

We would love to do another book giveaway in the future! If you have a book suggestion or donation, please send us an email at

Don't forget to listen to our latest episode, our tenth one yet!


Three For Tea

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Episode 10: Spring Fling! (aka Ashley's Bday Episode)

*Spring Fling*

In this spring fling themed podcast we celebrate hitting our tenth episode, and Ashley's 27th birthday, with a little picnic featuring Iced Vanilla Matcha from David's Tea, as well as Republic of Tea's Blackberry Sage. We also reassess our book lists for 2015, announce our BOOK GIVE AWAY WINNER and play a game of hot-or-not with guy names submitted by our faithful listener Alex<3

We also each go more in-depth on a book we have all recently finished! So listen in if you want to hear our reviews on:

The Mermaids Sister
Where'd You Go, Bernadette
The Obernewtyn Chronicles: Book 8

Want to join in on the discussion? 
Paper Towns by John Green and The Mermaid's Sister by Carrie Anne Noble will be the topics of discussion in the next few podcasts to come! It's not too late to pick them up and join us as we read them ourselves! Both are available for purchase through Amazon and easily downloadable on the FREE Kindle App! Each costs about $4.99! We WANT our listeners to be as active in the discussions as we are and we WANT to hear feed back about the books too! So email us with questions, concerns, comments or anything you want us to address in the future podcasts about these books! It's sure to make for a more interesting podcast;)


Pinkies out

Teas of the day:
Vanilla Matcha Green Tea from David's Tea 
Blackberry Sage from Republic of Tea

IG: alyssabeanz

Also, if you love us, you'll love STEFFENOPOLIS! Check out this up and coming blog about food, puppies, poetry and more!